4 Ways a Smart Stadium is Like a Smart Factory


In the evolution of modern infrastructure, the definition of a smart building has transcended traditional structures, giving rise to smart stadiums and smart factories. The Kraft Group's journey provides an illuminating tale, showcasing how technological advancements have been seamlessly integrated into Gillette Stadium and the Kraft Group's manufacturing factories, transforming these spaces into industry leaders.

1. Technological Infrastructure: The Backbone of Operational Excellence

Both smart stadiums and smart factories are built upon a robust technological infrastructure, integrating IoT devices, sensors, and automation. Leveraging data analytics for predictive maintenance and real-time monitoring is a shared practice in both spaces. The insights derived from analytics fuel informed decision-making, ensuring optimal performance, whether for the safety of fans at stadiums or the seamless functioning of factory machinery.

2. Efficiency and Maintenance: Cornerstones of Success

Efficiency stands tall as a common priority in all industries. Stadiums aim for smooth fan experiences and optimized event scheduling, while factories focus on production efficiency and minimizing downtime. Regular maintenance is crucial in both domains, ensuring safety, functionality, and optimal performance.

3. Logistics and Security: Ensuring Seamless Operations

Sophisticated logistics management is imperative for stadiums and factories, handling incoming/outgoing traffic, whether crowds for stadiums or supplies for factories. Additionally, robust security measures are non-negotiable, safeguarding stadium assets for crowd control and safety and protecting equipment, products, and intellectual property in factories.

4. Advanced Technology Adoption: The Common Denominator

The adoption of innovative technology unites these domains. Stadiums harness IoT, smart sensors, and connectivity to curate immersive fan experiences. Simultaneously, factories employ automation, robotics, and AI to revolutionize production processes, fostering efficiency and innovation.

A Tale of Evolution and Partnership

The Kraft Group's collaboration with Extreme Networks underscores the transformational impact of technology integration. Their journey speaks volumes about the common trends in sports venues and manufacturing spaces, illuminating the evolution from traditional networks to Wi-Fi-powered ecosystems.

Driving Transformation Beyond Hardware

For the Kraft Group, the partnership with Extreme Networks goes beyond hardware provision; it spans installation to analytics and ongoing support. From enhancing fan experiences at Gillette Stadium to optimizing manufacturing floors and employee applications, technology integration has propelled efficiency and reach.

Empowering Real-Time Decision-Making

The power of analytics comes to the fore in managing dynamic environments, especially during peak stadium hours. Real-time insights from analytics enable immediate responses to issues, transforming fixed environments into adaptable spaces, whether addressing shifting guest flows or optimizing Wi-Fi connectivity.

Creating Transformative Fan Experiences

Data insights fuel operational improvements and open avenues for enhancing fan experiences. Whether offering express ordering at concession stands or providing real-time bathroom wait times during events, digital offerings have redefined convenience and comfort.

The unexpected similarities between smart stadiums and smart factories reveal a shared journey of technological evolution. The integration of technology and innovative practices not only fuels operational excellence but also sets a precedent for collaborative growth and transformative experiences.

About the Author
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Cammy Perry
Senior Content Marketing Specialist

Cammy is a Content Marketing Specialist at Extreme Networks, leveraging her expertise to craft thought leadership and engaging content.

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