Extreme Networks strives to provide best-in-class products and services to meet our customers’ needs throughout all stages of the network lifecycle. As technology and business needs evolve, there will be cases where older products no longer meet market requirements. The decision to discontinue a product is based on a number of factors, including the availability of certain manufacturing components needed to continue production, a third-party manufacturer’s product discontinuation, or the introduction of a newer product with more advanced features and functionality.

In order to help our customers manage any End-of-Life transitions, including implications for support, we developed the following standard guidelines and terminology for products in specific phases of the lifecycle. Extreme Networks may revise these guidelines from time to time at its sole discretion.

End of Sale

The product End of Sale (EOS) date is the last date that a product is available for sale through Extreme systems, while supplies last. When possible, Extreme will offer a newer revision of the same product or provide recommendations on a migration strategy. Extreme attempts to notify customers six months in advance of products going End of Sale, via this page and in partner communications.

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End of Service Life

The End of Service Life (EOSL) date is the last date to receive service and support for the product. After this date, all support services for the product are unavailable and the product becomes obsolete. Software and other product related information will be removed from the Extreme support website.

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Grey Market Advisory

Users of grey market products do not obtain the level of protection and service provided by authorized Extreme Networks Partners. Extreme Networks urges customers to take support and service into consideration when purchasing Extreme Networks products. Download from Policies page.

Learn More Grey Market Advisory

End of Software Maintenance

The End of Software Maintenance (EOSM) milestone defines the date that software (firmware and applications) will stop providing enhancements and/or fixes for a product that is in the End of Life phase. During the Software Maintenance period, Extreme reserves the right to determine which defects will be fixed. Note that a software upgrade to a later release may be necessary to correct a reported problem. The table below defines the End of Software Maintenance period after End of Sale. Between EOSM and EOSL Extreme may provide security patches for critical issues at its sole discretion.

This table is from the Support and End of Life Policy document, also available in PDF form on top section of this page.

For information on End of Version Maintenance (EOVM) dates for software releases on the Extreme Portal, please reference the Software Lifecycle Policy document also found on the Policies and Warranties page under Downloads section.

SoftwareEnd of Software Maintenance (EOSM)
Applications12 months after End of Sale
WiNG OS24 months after End of Sale
Extreme Wireless OS24 months after End of Sale
Hive OS24 months after End of Sale
EXOS OS 24 months after End of Sale
BOSS/ERS OS 24 months after End of Sale
VOSS/VSP OS 24 months after End of Sale
SLX, NOS, NI 36 months after End of Sale

Recent End of Sale Announcements

Use the search box available on upper right side of the following table to find a product.
Posting dateFamilyProduct NameEnd of Sale Bulletin
201101011/1/2011ExtremeSwitchingEnterasys B3 and C3 Stackable ProductsEnterasys B3 and C3 Stackable Products Bulletin
201209049/4/2012ExtremeRoutingMLX/XMR 32 Slot Chassis and POS modulesEOS bulletin for MLX 32 chassis, XMR 32 chassis, POS Modules, POS Optics, FRUs
2012101610/16/2012ExtremeRoutingMLX and XMR SeriesEOS bulletin for MLX and XMR Series
2012103110/31/2012ExtremeSwitchingEAS, X150, X350, X450a SwitchesEnd of Sale Notification for EAS, X150, X350, X450a Switches
201307017/1/2013ExtremeSwitchingSummit X250e and X450e Series SwitchesSummit X250e and X450e Series Switches Bulletin
2013111811/18/2013ExtremeRoutingBrocade® MLX/XMR seriesEOS bulletin for Brocade® MLX/XMR series
2013111811/18/2013ExtremeRoutingCES/CER series, FRUs and accessoriesEOS bulletin for CES/CER series, FRUs and accessories
201504224/22/2015ExtremeApplicationsGeneral Software Releases update April 2015Software Releases Bulletin
201504244/24/2015ExtremeSwitchingI-Series SwitchesI-Series Switches Bulletin
201507017/1/2015ExtremeMobilityIdentiFi Wireless C25 appliance, AP3715i/e access points, AP3705i access point and accessories IdentiFi Wireless C25 appliance, AP3715i/e access points, AP3705i access point and accessories Bulletin
2015100110/1/2015ExtremeSwitchingS-Series SSA-G1018-0652 S150 Class Stand-Alone Switch (SSA)S-Series S150 Class Satnd-Alone Switch (SSA) Bulletin
201602192/19/2016ExtremeSwitchingX460-24t Switch ModelsX460-24t Switch Models Bulletin
201603313/31/2016ExtremeSwitchingReachNXT AC Power AdapterReachNXT AC Power Adapter Bulletin
201607117/11/2016ExtremeSwitchingX460-24x Switch ModelsX460-24x Switch Models Bulletin
2016103110/31/2016ExtremeSwitchingD2 SwitchesD2 Switches Bulletin
2016103110/31/2016ExtremeSwitchingEPS-500 RPSEPS-500 RPS Bulletin
2016103110/31/2016ExtremeSwitchingX440 SwitchesX440 Switches Bulletin
2016121512/15/2016ExtremeMobilityAP 8232, AP 8132, AP 6532, AP 8122, AP 6522M, AP 6521, AP 6511, TW-0511AP 8232, AP 8132, AP 6532, AP 8122, AP 6522M, AP 6521, AP 6511, TW-0511 Bulletin
2016123112/31/2016ExtremeSwitchingB5 SwitchesB5 Switches Bulletin
2016123112/31/2016ExtremeSwitchingC5 SwitchesC5 Switches Bulletin
2016123112/31/2016ExtremeSwitchingX460 SwitchesX460 Switches Bulletin
201702212/21/2017ExtremeSwitchingEthernet Wall Switch ES-6510Ethernet Wall Switch ES-6510 Bulletin
201702212/21/2017ExtremeSwitchingX460-48p Switch ModelX460-48p Switch Model Bulletin
201703013/1/2017ExtremeSwitchingSV-1252 and SV-3652 AppliancesSV-1252 and SV-3652 Appliances Bulletin
201704264/26/2017ExtremeSwitchingC5 & B5 TAA SwitchesC5 & B5 TAA Switches Bulletin
201705015/1/2017ExtremeSwitching100Base-FX A4 Switches100Base-FX A4 Switches Bulletin
201706166/16/2017ExtremeSwitchingSummit X480 X670 X670V TAA Switch ModelsTAA Switch Models Bulletin
201706306/30/2017ExtremeSwitching800 Series Switches800 Series Switches Bulletin
201706306/30/2017ExtremeSwitchingA4 Series SwitchesA4 Series Switches Bulletin
201707017/1/2017ExtremeSwitchingMounting Options For D2 and 800 Series SwitchesMounting Options For D2 and 800 Series Switches Bulletin
201707017/1/2017ExtremeSwitchingX460 Versatile Interface Modules (VIMs) and Feature Pack X460 Versatile Interface Modules (VIMs) and Feature Pack Bulletin
201708318/31/2017ExtremeRoutingBR-6910-EAS-H-AC and BR-6910-EAS-H-DC chassisEOS notification BR-6910-EAS-H-AC and BR-6910-EAS-H-DC chassis
2017111911/19/2017ExtremeApplicationsExtremeWireless WiNG Azara Cloud Subscription SKUExtremeWireless WiNG Azara Cloud Subscription SKU Bulletin
2017112111/21/2017ExtremeSwitchingAvaya Network Operating System Software and Trial LicenseAvaya Network Operating System Software and Trial License Bulletin
2017112111/21/2017ExtremeSwitchingERS 5000 SeriesERS 5000 Series Bulletin
2017112111/21/2017ExtremeSwitchingERS Models with included power cordsERS Power Cords Bulletin
2017112111/21/2017ExtremeSwitchingOEM Private Brand modelsOEM Private Brand models Bulletin
2017112911/29/2017ExtremeMobilityExtremeWireless 7522E NX5500E NX7510E VX9K ExpressEOS bulletin for ExtremeWireless 7522E NX5500E NX7510E VX9K Express
2017120512/5/2017ExtremeMobilityWireless LAN 9100EOS bulletin for Wireless LAN 9100
2017121112/11/2017ExtremeMobilityExtremeWireless WiNG AP 6522, AP 6562, AP 7502 Access PointsExtremeWireless WiNG AP 6522, AP 6562, AP 7502 Access Points Bulletin
201801151/15/2018ExtremeMobilityExtremeWireless -EU and 7622 7602 -WREOS bulletin for ExtremeWireless -EU and 7622 7602 -WR
201802262/26/2018ExtremeSwitchingERS 3500 Model SwitchEOS bulletin for ERS 3500 Model Switch
201802262/26/2018ExtremeSwitchingERS 4800 Model SwitchEOS bulletin for ERS 4800 Model Switch
201802262/26/2018ExtremeSwitchingERS 5928GTS-PWR+EOS notification ERS 5928GTS-PWR+
201803013/1/2018ExtremeMobilityExtremeWireless Rebranding WiNG -WR and APMEEOS bulletin for ExtremeWireless Rebranding WiNG -WR and APME
201803303/30/2018ExtremeSwitchingX430 Series SwitchesEOS bulletin for X430 Series Switches
201804034/3/2018ExtremeSwitching10Gb USR SFP+ Optical Transceiver10Gb USR SFP+ Optical Transceiver Bulletin
201804274/27/2018ExtremeRoutingMLX Router ModulesEOS bulletin for MLX Router Modules
201804274/27/2018ExtremeRoutingCES 2000 Series SwitchCES 2000 Series EOS Bulletin
201804284/28/2018ExtremeRoutingMLXe 4x10-x 8x10-x 24x10-dmMLX Router Modules EOS Bulletin
201805215/21/2018ExtremeSwitchingVSP Models with included power cordsVSP Power Cords Bulletin
201805255/25/2018ExtremeMobilityExtremeWireless AP3805EOS bulletin for ExtremeWireless AP3805
201805255/25/2018ExtremeMobilityExtremeWireless WS-AP3801i, WS-AP3805i/e EOS bulletin for WS-AP3801i, WS-AP3805i/e
201806136/13/2018ExtremeSwitchingEOS Announcement Zebra Branded PoEs and ReplacementsEOS bulletin for EOS Announcement Zebra Branded PoEs and Replacements
201806226/22/2018ExtremeMobilityExtremeWireless AP3825EOS bulletin for ExtremeWireless AP3825
201806256/25/2018ExtremeSwitchingERS 4800 E-Rate codesEOS bulletin for ERS 4800 E-Rate codes AL4800E88-E6 and AL4800E89-E6
201807017/1/2018ExtremeMobilityZebra Branded WiNG -EU REDEOS bulletin for Zebra Branded WiNG -EU RED
201807177/17/2018ExtremeMobilityExtremeWireless RFS-4010-00010-ZUS EOS Bulletin for ExtremeWireless RFS-4010-00010-ZUS
201807227/22/2018ExtremeMobilityWireless LAN 9100 9132/9144EOS bulletin for Wireless LAN 9100 9132/9144
201807257/25/2018ExtremeMobilityWireless Demo KitEOS bulletin for Wireless Demo Kit
201807317/31/2018ExtremeMobilityLegacy WiNG Power Supplies and AntennasEOS bulletin for Legacy WiNG Power Supplies and Antennas
201808018/1/2018ExtremeApplicationsIdentity EnginesEOS bulletin for Identity Engines
201808268/26/2018ExtremeMobilityLegacy WiNG Power SuppliesEOS bulletin for Legacy WiNG Power Supplies
201808288/28/2018ExtremeRoutingNetwork Advisor (BNA) suite of software productsEOS bulletin for Network Advisor (BNA) suite of software products
201809109/10/2018ExtremeSwitchingBlack Diamond 8K Immediate End-of-Sale of BlackDiamond 8000 Series Switches USCAN EMEA LATAM
201809109/10/2018ExtremeSwitchingBlack Diamond X8 Immediate End-of-Sale of BlackDiamond X8 Series Switches USCAN EMEA LATAM
2018102010/20/2018ExtremeSwitchingAccessory CablesEOS Bulletin for Accessory Cables
2018102910/29/2018ExtremeMobilityWireless Accessories WS-xEOS Bulletin for Wireless Accessories WS-x
2018102910/29/2018ExtremeSwitchingK SeriesEOS Bulletin for K Series
2018102910/29/2018ExtremeSwitchingS-Series Modular Switch Family and TAA models of the SSA Switch FamilyEOS Bulletin for S, SSA & TAA Series
2018103110/31/2018ExtremeMobilityWireless Accessories KT-6511EOS Bulletin for Wireless Accessories KT-6511
2018112611/26/2018ExtremeSwitchingEOS Date Extension for Fiber Patch Cables 9380xxx-3MEOS Date Extension for Fiber Patch Cables 9380xxx-3M
2018121912/19/2018ExtremeSwitchingAddendum to S and SSA Series EOS notification - parts out of stock and immediate EOSAddendum to S and SSA Series EOS notification - parts out of stock and immediate EOS
2018122112/21/2018EOS T5 PowerBroadband v2EOS T5 PowerBroadband v2
201901121/12/2019ExtremeRoutingVDX 67xx Software LicensesEOS bulletin for VDX 67xx Software Licenses
201901141/14/2019ExtremeSwitchingS/K/7100 Optics 10GB-ERx, 10GB-LRx, and MUX-CWDM-01EOS Bulletin for S/K/7100 Optics 10GB-ERx, 10GB-LRx, and MUX-CWDM-01
201901211/21/2019ExtremeApplicationsPV-50K-SYS and PV-V50K-SYSEOS bulletin for PV-50K-SYS and PV-V50K-SYS
201901211/21/2019ExtremeMobilityWS-CAB-RJ45EXT, WS-CAB-RPSMATERMEOS bulletin for WS-CAB-RJ45EXT, WS-CAB-RPSMATERM
201902012/1/2019ExtremeSwitchingEnd-of-Service-Life Update for ERS 8300/8600/8800 modules and accessoriesEnd of Service Life update bulletin for ERS 8300-8600-8800
201902152/15/2019ExtremeRoutingCES-2048FX and CER-2048FX-RTEOS bulletin for CES-2048FX and CER-2048FX-RT
201902152/15/2019ExtremeRoutingCES-2024C and CES-2024FCES-2024C and CES-2024F EOS Bulletin
201903203/20/2019ExtremeRoutingCES-2048CX, CER-2024C-RT, CER-2024F-RT and CER-2048CX-RTEOS bulletin for CES-2048CX, CER-2024C-RT, CER-2024F-RT and CER-2048CX-RT
201903303/30/2019ExtremeSwitchingBrocade-branded Transceivers and CablesUpdate to the EOS Notification of Brocade-branded Transceivers and Cables
201904304/30/2019ExtremeSwitchingMobile APImmediate End-of-Sale Notification Mobile AP
201904304/30/2019ExtremeSwitchingEOS Update for S-Series Modular Switches and SSA (TAA) SwitchesEOS Update for S-Series Modular Switches and SSA (TAA) Switches
201904304/30/2019ExtremeSwitchingEOS Update for K-Series SwitchesEOS Update for K-Series Switches
201905175/17/2019ExtremeSwitchingSoftware Licenses G3IPV6-LIC, C5L3-LIC, 16496, 16497, 16498 and accessories 10950 and MUX-RACK-01End-of-Sale Notification for Software Licenses G3IPV6-LIC, C5L3-LIC, 16496, 16497, 16498 and accessories 10950 and MUX-RACK-01
201905185/18/2019ExtremeRoutingMLXe MR Bundles Upgrade and Support Renewal Info v3EOS Bulletin for MLXe MR Bundles Upgrade and Support Renewal Info v3
201905215/21/2019ExtremeSwitchingEOS Update for 7100 SwitchesEOS Update for 7100 Switches
201905305/30/2019ExtremeSwitchingONA 1101GTONA 1101GT Bulletin
201905305/30/2019ExtremeSwitchingVSP 4450GSX DCVSP4450GSX DC Bulletin
201905305/30/2019ExtremeSwitchingVSP4850VSP4850 Bulletin
201906156/15/2019ExtremeSwitchingEOS S-Series SSA platforms and TAA model of Purview Application SensorEOS S-Series SSA platforms and TAA model of Purview Application Sensor
201906266/26/2019ExtremeSwitchingEOS T5 PowerBroadbandEOS T5 PowerBroadband
201908028/2/2019ExtremeSwitchingX480 SwitchesEnd-of-Sale Notification for Summit X480 platforms 16301, 16303, 16304 and associated modules
201908098/9/2019ExtremeMobilityExtremeWireless AP3865EOS bulletin for ExtremeWireless AP3865
201908278/27/2019ExtremeMobilityExtremeWireless Outdoor AP Mounting Gear KT-147407-01EOS bulletin for ExtremeWireless Outdoor AP Mounting Gear KT-147407-01
201908308/30/2019ExtremeSwitchingBrocade-branded Transceivers and Cables SKUs Update 2 to the End-of-Sale (EOS) Notification of Brocade-branded Transceivers and Cables SKUs
2019110911/9/2019ExtremeSwitchingBrocade-branded Transceivers and Cables - Update Update to the End-of-Sale (EOS) Notification of Brocade-branded Transceivers and Cables SKUs
2019111511/15/2019ExtremeWirelessidentiFi™ Wireless AP3935/3965 Access Points, Controllers, Licenses and AccessoriesEOS bulletin for identiFi™ Wireless AP3935/3965 Access Points, Controllers, Licenses and Accessories
2019111511/15/2019ExtremeWirelessWiNG AP-7622 and AP-7602EOS bulletin for WiNG AP-7622 and AP-7602
2019120512/5/2019ExtremeSwitchingERS3510GT and ERS3510GT-PWR+EOS Notification for ERS 3510GT-PWR+ and Immediate End-of-Sale of ERS 3510GT
2019121012/10/2019ExtremeSwitching7100 Series7100 Series EOS Bulletin
202003163/16/2020ExtremeSwitchingBrocade-branded Transceivers and Cables SKUs UpdateUpdate 4 to the End of Sale (EOS) Notification for Brocade-branded Transceivers and Cable SKUs
202004154/15/2020ExtremeWirelessidentiFi™ Wireless AP3915/16/17 and WiNG AP7632/62 Access Points, Licenses and AccessoriesEnd-of-Sale Notification for identiFi™ Wireless AP3915/16/17 and WiNG AP7632/62 Access Points, Licenses and Accessories
202004154/15/2020ExtremeWirelessWiNG AP-7532, AP-7522 and AP-7562EOS bulletin for WiNG AP-7532, AP-7522 and AP-7562
202004304/30/2020ExtremeSwitchingVSP4850Updated End-Of-Sale Notification for VSP 4850
202005055/5/2020ExtremeSwitchingSwitching BundlesEnd-of-Sale Notification for ERS, VSP, SLX and Optic switching product bundles
202006306/30/2020ExtremeWirelessWiNG AP-8163EOS bulletin for WiNG AP-8163
202007017/1/2020ExtremeApplicationsExtremeAnalytics App SensorImmediate End-of-Sale Notification for ExtremeAnalytics App Sensor, power supply, and related bundles
202007017/1/2020ExtremeSwitchingAH-SR-2224PEnd-of-Sale Notification for AH-SR-2224P
202007157/15/2020ExtremeSwitchingBrocade-branded Transceivers and Cables SKUsUpdate 5 to the EOS Notification of Brocade-branded Transceivers and Cables
202007157/15/2020ExtremeWirelessOptics - Modular InterfacesS, K, 7100 Modular InterfacesEnd of Sale Notification - Optics - Modular InterfacesS, K, 7100 Modular Interfaces
202009299/29/2020ExtremeWirelessAerohive Networks AH-SR-2224PUpdate to End-of-Sale Notification for AH-SR-2224P
2020100110/1/2020ExtremeSwitchingVIM5Immediate EOS Notification for VIM5-2Y, VIM5-4Y and bundle VSP4900-48P-B1-2Y
2020100110/1/2020ExtremeSwitchingTransceivers and CablesEnd-of-Sale Notification for select Extreme Optical Transceivers and Cables
202101121/12/2021ExtremeSwitchingSLX 9030End-of-Sale Notification for SLX 9030
202101151/15/2021ExtremeWirelessWallplate Access points*Revision* to End-of-Sale Notification for AP-150W AP-7612 and AP-3912
202101221/22/2021ExtremeSwitchingSummit X670 SwitchesEnd-of-Sale Notification for X670
202101271/27/2021ExtremeSwitchingVSP 7254XSQEOS Notification for VSP 7254XSQ
202102122/12/2021ExtremeSwitching100G-CFP2-SR10 and 40G-SR4- QSFP150M-NT End-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Optical Transceiver 100G-CFP2-SR10 and 40G-SR4- QSFP150M-NT
202102122/12/2021ExtremeSwitchingTransceivers and CablesEnd of Sale Notification for 100G-CFP2-SR10 and 40G-SR4-QSFP150M-NT
202103013/1/2021ExtremeSwitchingExtreme Campus Controller™ E2120 End-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Campus Controller™ E2120
202103013/1/2021ExtremeWirelessAH-SR-2208P and AH-SR-2324P switchesEnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme (Aerohive) AH-SR-2208P and AH-SR-2324P
202103183/18/2021ExtremeApplicationsHiveManager Classic, HiveManager NGEnd-of-Sale Notification for HiveManager Classic, HiveManager NG
202103243/24/2021ExtremeSwitchingAH-SR-2224PUpdated End-of-Sale Notification for Extreme (Aerohive) AH-SR-2224P
202103253/25/2021ExtremeSwitchingAH-SR-2208P Switches Update to End-of-Sale Notification for Extreme (Aerohive) AH-SR-2208P Switches
202104014/1/2021ExtremeSwitchingX620-8t-2x, X620-16t and X620-16pEnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme X620-8t-2x, X620-16t and X620-16p Ethernet Switches
202104064/6/2021ExtremeRoutingAH-XR600P RoutersEnd of Sales Notification for AH-XR600P
202104214/21/2021ExtremeWirelessWiNG NX-9600 and NX-9610EOS Bulletin for WiNG NX-9600 and NX-9610
202104294/29/2021ExtremeSwitchingBlack Diamond right angle power cordsEnd-of-Sale Notification for select Black Diamond right angle power cords
202105135/13/2021ExtremeSwitchingVSP 8200End-of-Sale Notification for VSP 8200
202105135/13/2021ExtremeSwitchingSummit X770End-of-Sale Notification for X770
202105185/18/2021ExtremeApplicationsExtremeCloud IQ PerpetualEnd-of-Sale Notification for ExtremeCloud IQ Perpetual
202105185/18/2021ExtremeApplicationsExtremeCloud IQEnd-of-Sale Notification for ExtremeCloud™ IQ Local Subscription for Select Extreme Switches for the US K-12 Market
202105185/18/2021ExtremeCloudExtreme Management Center, ExtremeAnalytics, ExtremeControl, ExtremeComplianceEnd-of-Sale Announcement for Extreme Management Center™, ExtremeControl™, and ExtremeAnalytics�
202105275/27/2021ExtremeWirelessAP8533 and AP8432End of Sales Notification Notification for AP8533 and AP8432
202105315/31/2021NetworkPacketBrokerBR-NVA-BVM-1, BR-NVA-INFOSIM-1End-of-Sale Notification for BR-NVA-BVM-1, BR-NVA-INFOSIM-1
202106216/21/2021ExtremeMobilityExtreme Campus ControllerEnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Campus Controller V4 licenses
202106236/23/2021ExtremeSwitchingAH-SR-2348P Ethernet SwitchEnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme (Aerohive) AH-SR-2348P switches
202106246/24/2021ExtremeSwitchingEC7205A1F-E6 and EC7205A1B-E6 power supplies for VSP 7200XSQEnd-of-Sale Notification for EC7205A1F-E6 and EC7205A1B-E6 power supplies for VSP 7200XSQ switches
202107017/1/2021ExtremeRoutingCEREnd-of-Sale Notification for CER
202107077/7/2021ExtremeSwitchingOptic Select Extreme Optics Transceivers and CablesEnd-of-Sale Notification for Select Extreme Optics transceivers and cables effective January 15, 2022
202108198/19/2021ExtremeSwitchingVDX 6940End-of-Sale Notification for VDX 6940
202108208/20/2021ExtremeSwitchingERS 5900 DC powerEnd-of-Sale Notification for ERS 5900 DC Power Supply models and associated bundles
202109249/24/2021ExtremeSwitchingOptics 10GB-F10-SFPP and 10GB-F20-SFPPEnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Optics 10GB-F10-SFPP and 10GB-F20-SFPP
202109249/24/2021ExtremeSwitchingIdentify Engines Posture MS-NAP and Identity Engines Access PortalUpdate to previously published End-of-Sale Notification for Identify Engines Posture MS-NAP and Identity Engines Access Portal plus associated bundles
2021100710/7/2021ExtremeSwitchingOptic 10G-SFP-SR and multi-pack 10G-SFP-SR-8Update to End-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Optic 10G-SFP-SR and multi-pack 10G-SFP-SR-8
2021101510/15/2021ExtremeSwitchingOptics 40GB-ESR4-QSFP and AA1404028-E6 End-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Optical transceiver 40GB-ESR4-QSFP and cable AA1404028-E6
2021102110/21/2021ExtremeWirelessRFS-4010End-of-Sale Notification for RFS-4010
2021110811/8/2021ExtremeRoutingMLXeEnd-of-Sale Notification for MLXe
2021111811/18/2021ExtremeSwitchingVDX 8770End-of-Sale Notification for VDX 8770
2021120912/9/2021ExtremeSwitchingVSP 8600 line card EC8604004-E6End-of-Sale Notification for VSP 8600 40G line card EC8604004-E6
202201031/3/2022ExtremeCampusExtreme Campus Controllers V5 LicensesEnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Campus Controller V5 Licenses
202201031/3/2022ExtremeCloudExtremeCloud™ A3 V3 LicensesEnd-of-Sale Notification for ExtremeCloud™ A3 V3 Licenses
202201181/18/2022ExtremeSwitchingERS 5900 and ERS 4900 SeriesEnd-of-Sale Notification for ERS 4900 and ERS 5900 products
202201201/20/2022ExtremeSwitchingSelect Optics and cables effective 7/15/2022End-of-Sale Notification for Select Extreme Optics transceivers and cables effective July 15, 2022
202201271/27/2022ExtremeSwitchingVSP 4450End-of-Sale Notification for VSP 4450 products
202203043/4/2022ExtremeSwitchingSLX 9140End-of-Sale Notification for SLX 9140
202203043/4/2022ExtremeSwitchingVSP 8600End-of-Sale Notification for VSP 8600
202203243/24/2022ExtremeSwitchingVSP 8600Updated EOS Notification for VSP 8600
202204154/15/2022ExtremeCloudIpanema EssentialEnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Ipanema Essential products
202204204/20/2022ExtremeSwitchingOptical transceivers 100G-CFP2-ER4-40KM and 100G-CFP2-LR4-10KMEnd-of-Sale Notification for Select Extreme Optical transceivers 100G-CFP2-ER4-40KM and 100G-CFP2-LR4-10KM
202204204/20/2022ExtremeSwitchingOptical transceiver AA1419048-E6End-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Optical transceiver AA1419048-E6
202204224/22/2022ExtremeCloudExtremeCloud SD-WANEnd-of-Sale Notification for ExtremeCloud SD-WAN SKUs which will not be released
202204294/29/2022ExtremeSwitchingVSP 7200EOS Notification for the VSP 7200 SKUs with Front-to-back cooling
202205065/6/2022ExtremeWirelessExtreme Campus ControllersEnd of Sales Notification for Extreme Campus Controllers E2122 and E3120
202205065/6/2022ExtremeWireless WiNG 5 SoftwareEnd of Version Maintenance for WiNG 5 Software
202205205/20/2022ExtremeRoutingUpdate for CES modelsUpdate to End-of-Sale Notification for CES models
202205275/27/2022ExtremeCloud IQExtremeCloud IQ Virtual Appliance (IQVA)End of Sales Notification for ExtremeCloud IQ Virtual Appliance (IQVA)
202206096/9/2022ExtremeSwitchingOptical Transceivers AA1404002-E6, AA1403017-E6 and MGBIC-02Change of End-of-Sale dates for Optical Transceivers AA1404002-E6, AA1403017-E6 and MGBIC-02
202206286/28/2022ExtremeSwitchingAL4900A04-E6, EC4400A05-E6, AL1905A19-E6, AL1905A21-E6, AL1905A3F-E6, 10320, 10403, AA1404001-E6Update to End-of-Sale Notifications for AL4900A04-E6, EC4400A05-E6, AL1905A19-E6, AL1905A21-E6, AL1905A3F-E6, 10320, 10403, and AA1404001-E6
202207157/15/2022ExtremeSwitchingSummit X460-G2 End-of-Sale Notification for select Summit X460-G2 platforms and accessories
202207157/15/2022ExtremeSwitchingSummit X450-G2 End-of-Sale Notification for Summit X450-G2 platforms and accessories
202207157/15/2022ExtremeSwitchingOptics transceivers and cablesEnd-of-Sale Notification for Select Extreme Optics transceivers and cables effective January 15, 2023
202207227/22/2022ExtremeSwitchingRPS-90 Immediate End-of-Sale Notification for RPS-90 (10948)
202207297/29/2022ExtremeSwitchingVDX 6740 EOS Notification for VDX 6740
202208018/1/2022ExtremeApplicationsExtremeGuestEnd-of-Sale Announcement for Extreme Networks Distributors, Partners, and Sales
202208038/3/2022ExtremeRoutingCER Updated EOSM dates for EOS Notification for CER
202208038/3/2022ExtremeRoutingCES Updated EOS/EOSM/EOSL dates for the EOS Notification for CES
202207297/29/2022ExtremeRoutingSLX 9850 End-of-Sale Notification for SLX 9850 platform
202208298/29/2022ExtremeSwitchingSummit 450-G2Update to End of Sale Announcement for Summit X450-G2
202209129/12/2022ExtremeSwitchingOptics 10503, 40GB QSFP-LR4, 10G-SFP-SR, and multi-pack 10G-SFP-SR-8sUpdate to End-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Optic 10503, 40GB�QSFP-LR4, 10G-SFP-SR, and multi-pack 10G-SFP-SR-8
202209199/19/2022ExtremeWirelessAerohive Accessories and OpticsEnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Aerohive accessories and optical transceivers AH-ACC-xx
202209269/26/2022ExtremeSwitchingOptics 10320 10530 10531Update to End-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Optic 10320 and AOC cables 10530, 10531
2022102110/21/2022ExtremeWirelessNSightEOS Bulletin for NSight
2022111811/18/2022ExtremeCloudIpanema ISD-IPE-2000ax SD[1]WANEnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme Ipanema ISD-IPE-2000ax SD[1]WAN products
2022112311/23/2022ExtremeSwitching Optical Transceivers 10311, 10330, 10331, and 10G-SFP-SR-8 Update to End-of-Sale Notification for 10311, 10330, 10331, and 10G-SFP-SR-8 optical transceivers and cables
202301111/11/2023ExtremeCloudExtremeCloud SD-WAN End-of-Sale Notification for ExtremeCloud SD-WAN DC appliances and replacement products
202301171/17/2023ExtremeSwitchingSummit X460-G2 End-of-Sale Notification for Summit X460-G2 platforms and accessories
202301171/17/2023ExtremeSwitchingSummit X440-G2 End-of-Sale Notification for Summit X440-G2 platforms and accessories
202301191/19/2023ExtremeSwitchingSLX 9150 and SLX 9250 EOS Notification for SLX 9150 and SLX 9250
202301311/31/2023ExtremeSwitchingVSP 7200 EOS Notification for VSP 7200
202302032/3/2023ExtremeWirelessWiNG NX-5500 and NX-7500 EOS Bulletin for WiNG NX-5500 and NX-7500
202302152/15/2023SRA (Switching, Routing and Analytics)Brocade Flow Optimizer, SKUs (BR-BFO-LRG, BR-BFO-SML) EOS Notification for Brocade Flow Optimizer
202305235/23/2023ExtremeSwitchingWireless and Wired accessories End of Sale Announcement for Miscellaneous Accessories
202306206/20/2023ExtremeRoutingNVA- Session Director, VPB, VTAP and Protocol Analysis Engine Immediate End of Sale Notification for NVA products
202306266/26/2023ExtremeWirelessWiNG NX 5500 and NX 7500 Update to End of Sale Announcement for ExtremeWirelesss WiNG NX550 & NX7500
202308158/15/2023ExtremeSwitchingExtremeSwitching X870 End of Sale Announcement X870
202309289/28/2023OpticsOptical Transceivers
20210409 4/9/2021ExtremeSwitchingBrocade-branded Transceivers and Cables SKUsUpdate to EOS dates for select Brocade-branded Transceivers and Cable SKUs
20230626 6/26/2023ExtremeWirelessWiNG Zebra Branded Access PointsUpdate to End of Sale Notification for ExtremeWireless WiNG Zebra Branded -WR Access Points
20220829 8/29/2022ExtremeSwitchingSummit 460-G2Update to End of Sale Announcement for Summit X460-G2
20230907 9/7/2023ExtremeSwitchingSummit X460-G2Update to End of Sale Announcement for Summit X460G2
20230907 9/7/2023ExtremeSwitchingSummit X450-G2 Update to End of Sale Announcement for Summit X450G2
20230907 9/7/2023ExtremeSwitchingSummit X440-G2 Update to End of Sale Announcement for Summit X440G2
2023110711/7/2023ExtremeSwitchingMiscellaneous Cables and Accessories End-of-Sale Notification for Miscellaneous Cables and Accessories
202309289/28/2023ExtremeSwitchingOptical Transceivers End-of-Sale Notification for Optical transceivers and cables 10058, 10059, 10320, 10530, 10531
202307317/31/2023ExtremeWirelessAerohive APEnd of Sale Announcement - Aerohive POE Injectors
2023112711/27/2023ExtremeSwitchingFastPath 200 seriesEnd of Sale and End of Software Maintenance Notification - 200 series
202301201/20/2023ExtremeWirelessAccessoriesEnd-of-Sale Notification for miscellaneous power cords
202301201/20/2023ExtremeWirelessV400 SeriesEnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme V400-series
2023112711/27/2023ExtremeCloudExtreme XIQEnd of Sale Announcement XIQ-DELAY Subscriptions
2023102010/20/2023ExtremeSwitchingVSP 8400End of Sale Announcement for VSP8404C chassis
202307147/14/2023WAN EdgeIpanema SDWANEnd of Sale of Ipanema SD-WAN Products
202309219/21/2023ExtremeCloudExtremeCloud IQVAUpdated to End of Sale Notification for ExtremeCloud IQ Virtual Appliance (IQVA)
202309219/21/2023ExtremeSwitchingOptical Trasceivers 10501 10311Update to End-of-Sale Notifications for Extreme Optics 10501 and 10311
2023121112/11/2023ExtremeWirelessAerohive ATOMEnd of Sale Notification for AH-ATOM-CAN, AH-ATOM-FCC & AH-ATOM-W
202401301/30/2024ExtremeCloudExtremeCloud A3EOS Notification for ExtremeCloud A3
202402152/15/2024Smart OmniEdge WirelessAP560i and AP560hEnd of Sale Announcement for Outdoor Wireless Access Points � AP560i and AP560h
202402292/29/2024SRA (Switching, Routing and Analytics)XBR-3250CFM-FAN-R, XBR-ACPWR-650-R, XBR-DCPWR-650-REnd-of-Sale Notification for Extreme 9240 -R power supplies and fan with back-to-front airflow
202403153/15/2024OpticsOptical Transceivers and CablesEnd-of-Sale Notification for select Optical transceivers and cables
2022100310/3/2022OmniEdge WirelessDefender for IoT and Defender AdapterEnd of Sale Announcement for Defender for IoT and Defender Adapter
202402292/29/2024SRAExtreme 9240 -R power suppliesUpdate to End-of-Sale Notification for Extreme 9240 -R power supplies and fan with back-to-front airflow
202404294/29/2024AHXR600EOS Notification for XR600
202405065/6/2024Smart OmniEdge Switching10966Immediate End of Sale Announcement for 10966
202401191/19/2024ExtremeSwitchingPower CordsEOS Notification for Extreme Miscellaneous Power Cords
202406036/3/2024ExtremeWirelessExtremeWireless� WiNG 7 SoftwareEnd-of-Version-Maintenance Announcement for ExtremeWireless� WiNG 7 Software
202406036/3/2024ExtremeWirelessWiNG VX9000 CX9000EOS Notification for VX9000 and CX9000 (CX-WiNG)
202405285/28/2024Miscellaneous Cables and AccessoriesImmediate End-of-Sale Announcement for Accessories and CablesImmediate End-of-Sale Announcement for Accessories and Cables
202405295/29/2024Smart OmniEdge Wireless30137End-of-Sale Notification for ExtremeCloud IQ Controller Hardware Appliance E1120 [30137]
202406216/21/2024SRAExtreme Visibility Manager (XVM) 6.x, XVM-LIC-1End of Sale Notification for Extreme Visibility Manager (XVM) 6.x
202407147/14/2024SummitX440-G2Additional Update to End-of-Sale Notification for Summit X440-G2 Series
202407147/14/2024SummitX450-G2Additional Update to End-of-Sale Notification for Summit X450-G2 Series
202407147/14/2024SummitX460-G2Additional Update to End-of-Sale Notification for Summit X460-G2 Series


The foregoing policies apply for Aerohive hardware and software products and Client Service Offerings, as well as to derivatives products, across all sales regions and territories, and to all Aerohive end customers and partners.

Aerohive will, from time to time, have products that reach the end of their life or product lifecycle. Aerohive follows a distinct process for these end-of-life products, starting with a communication that goes to customers and channel partners announcing an end-of-product sale six months after the end-of-life announcement. After an end of sale, the product will be supported for five more years. However, after five years it will be categorized as an end-of-life product, and at that point Aerohive will cease to provide bug fixes and offer replacement hardware for the EOL product.



ProductEnd-of-Life AnnouncementEnd-of-SaleEnd-of-Support / End-of-LifeReplacement Product
ATOM AP30 3-Pack2020011010-Jan-202020011010-Jan-20N/AATOM AP30 3-Pack
AP2302020072727-Jul-202020111515-Nov-202025111515-Nov-25AP305C AP410C
AP390201604055-Apr-16201610055-Oct-16202110055-Oct-21AP410C AP245X
AP550201910011-Oct-192020033131-Mar-202025033131-Mar-25AP510C (AP650)
AP1130201910011-Oct-192020073131-Jul-202025073131-Jul-25AP460C AP460S6C AP460S12C
ProductEnd-of-Life AnnouncementEnd-of-SaleEnd-of-Support / End-of-LifeReplacement Product
BR10020161118Nov 18, 201620170518May 18, 201720220518May 18, 2022XR200P
BR20020161118Nov 18, 201620170518May 18, 201720220518May 18, 2022XR200P
BR200LTE20161118Nov 18, 201620170518May 18, 201720220518May 18, 2022XR200P
BR200-WP20171017Oct 17, 201720180517May 17, 201820230117Jan 17, 2023XR200P
SR202420140407Apr 7, 201420140407Apr 7, 201420190407Apr 7, 2019SR2224P
SR2024P20181008Oct 8, 201820190228Feb 28, 201920240228Feb 28, 2024SR2224P
SR2124P20180827Aug 27, 201820181201Dec 1, 201820240128Jan 28, 2024SR2324P
SR2148P20180827Aug 27, 201820181201Dec 1, 201820240128Jan 28, 2024SR2348P
ProductEnd-of-Life AnnouncementEnd-of-SaleEnd-of-Support / End-of-LifeReplacement Product
EVCO SKUs20200124Jan 24, 202020200124Jan 24, 2020N/AExtreme Networks’ Product Evaluation Program (PEP)
AH-HMNG-VA 20200124Jan 24, 202020200124Jan 24, 2020N/AN/A
1U-Appliance for HiveManager & Virtual Gateway20180710Jul 10, 201820190107Jan 7, 201920240107Jan 7, 2024HiveManager Virtual Appliance and VPN Gateway Virtual Appliance
Client Management20160101Jan 1, 201620160101Jan 1, 201620210401Apr 1, 2021N/A
GuestManager20130212Feb 12, 201320130212Feb 12, 201320160212Feb 12, 2016HiveManager Public Cloud, HiveManager Private Cloud, HiveManager Local Cloud, or A3</small
HiveManager 1U Appliance20130419Apr 19, 201320130419Apr 19, 201320160419Apr 19, 2016HiveManager NMS
Virtual Appliance or
HiveManager 1U High
Capacity Appliance
HiveManager 2U NMS Appliance20131115Nov 15, 201320131115Nov 15, 201320171115Nov 15, 2017HiveManager NMS
Virtual Appliance
HiveManager Classic On-Premises 20191001Oct 1, 201920200331Mar 31, 202020250331Mar 31, 2025HiveManager Private Cloud
HiveManager Classic Online (Public Cloud)20191001Oct 1, 201920200331Mar 31, 202020230331Mar 31, 2023HiveManager Public Cloud
HiveManager Classic Virtual Gateway Virtual Appliance (VG VA)20191001Oct 1, 201920200331Mar 31, 202020250331Mar 31, 2025Talk to your Aerohive / Extreme Networks Sales Representative
HiveManager NG Perpetual License & Support (For New Customer Orders)20181008Oct 8, 201820181231Dec 31, 2018N/AReplacement products contain both a subscription-based license and a termed support contact (Select or Partner), and are currently supported on the HiveManager Portable Cloud (NGVA).
ID Manager20191001Oct 1, 201920200331Mar 31, 202020250331Mar 31, 2025HiveManager Public Cloud, HiveManager Private Cloud, HiveManager Local Cloud, or A3</small
Student Manager20160908Sep 8, 201620170310Mar 10, 201720220310Mar 10, 2022N/A
ProductEnd-of-Life AnnouncementEnd-of-SaleEnd-of-Support / End-of-LifeReplacement Product
HiveCare Connect, HiveCare Callback, HiveCare Preferred20190701Jul 1, 201920200101Jan 1, 2020N/AHiveCare Community
Classic (8×5) Support Program20160609Jun 9, 201620160707Jul 7, 201620160707Jul 7, 2016Universal 24/7 Support; please read announcement here.
Cloud-Enabled VPN Gateway20150401Apr 1, 201520150401Apr 1, 201520200401Apr 1, 2020VPN Gateway Virtual Appliance
Select Model Specific Support SKUs20160609Jun 9, 201620160707Jul 7, 201620160707Jul 7, 2016Universal 24/7 Support; please read announcement here.
Incident Packs20101002Oct 2, 201020110404Apr 4, 201120110404Apr 4, 2011Standard Support Contracts