Extreme Networks is committed to ensuring our corporate responsibility efforts resonate across our entire business, from the supply chain partners we select to the more than 50,000 customers we serve.

Download 2024 CR Report

Corporate Responsibility Goals

    • Achieve Net Zero Emissions by FY 2050
    • Source 50% of electricity from renewable sources
    • 30% reduction in absolute Scope 3 emissions for transportation and use of sold products
    • 50% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions
    • Develop new products in accordance with ISO14024 Type ecolabels by FY26
    • Develop a plan and implement power management features in software
    • Ensure ≥ 90% of e-waste gets reused or recycled ≤ 2% goes to landfill
    • Ensure Extreme Networks products use recyclable materials and prioritize responsibly sourced materials during selection by FY 2025
      • Paper: ≥ 80% recycled content
      • Plastic: ≥ 30% recycled content
      • Sheet Metal: ≥ 30% recycled content
    • Create and implement formal social policies and commitments, including a Human Rights Policy, Pay Equity Policy, and Health and Safety Policy by FY 2026
    • Enhance recruitment efforts to increase representation of underrepresented groups, including racial and ethnic minorities, women, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.
    • Bridge the digital divide by expanding opportunities and enhancing human experiences, including donating 100% of laptop computers that are no longer viable for high-end corporate tasks to community-based organizations
    • Increase Annual Day of Giving contributions by 15% annually
    • Increase volunteer participation to 80%
    • Provide sustainability training for board of directors by FY 2026
    • Identify opportunities to maintain and increase the diversity of the board
    • Conduct thorough review and gap analysis of all governance policies by FY 2028
    • Achieve ISO 14001 certification for additional sites by FY 2027
    • Include non-bias and inclusion training in the regular training calendar by FY 2026

Environmental Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Conflict Minerals Policy

Extreme Networks, Inc. Supplier Code of Conduct

Conflict Mineral Report

Modern Slavery Statement

Supplier Diversity Program Policy

Greenhouse Gas 2021

2022 Corporate Carbon Inventory Report

Greenhouse Gas 2022

EEO-1 Report

Responsible Business Alliance Membership