Extreme Fabric Connect

Fabric Connect Hero

A New Way to Build Networks

With Extreme Fabric, organizations can say goodbye to the complex and inflexible networks of the past with a unified, automated, and secure network that enables you to be more responsive to your organization’s needs, reduce operations costs, and increase your ability to innovate.

Unlike legacy network designs that are labor-intensive and complex to operate, Extreme Fabric is a standards-based, network abstraction technology that enables multiple, discrete, and secure virtual networks to run seamlessly over your network infrastructure – independent of topology. These virtualized networks are inherently secure, with automated provisioning that minimizes manual configuration and the risk of network errors.

Extreme Fabric Design Approach:

Extreme Fabric securely interconnects network locations and devices via secure virtual services (or segments) that can extend across SD-WAN, remote branch sites, campus, and the data center. This is done by delivering a fabric solution that incorporates the following design principles:

  • Unified – providing a comprehensive solution that can connect any location, device, and/or service in the network
  • Automated – with auto-forming, auto-sensing, and auto-connection capabilities that streamline network operations and deployment
  • Secure - in a framework that securely separates network services and that inherently protects against network breaches

Components Making Up Extreme’s Fabric Solution:

Fabric Connect is the core component of the Extreme Fabric solution based on Shortest Path Bridging (IEEE 802.1Q) and IS-IS routing protocols. It provides virtualized network services that connect users and devices across the network infrastructure.

Fabric Attach is a software-based feature that delivers automation and time-to-service enhancements to Extreme and 3rd-party devices. It effectively automates device connection to the Fabric Connect environment, enabling endpoints, such as Extreme wireless access points, to be quickly mapped to the appropriate virtualized fabric service.

Fabric Extend allows you to connect islands of fabrics into a single fabric over a public or private WAN infrastructure and can also run in conjunction with the Extreme SD-WAN solution.

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