Flexible Financing for Every Network Need

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Don’t let budget constraints halt technology advances needed to achieve business outcomes. Extreme Networks offers comprehensive acquisition solutions for an organization’s unique financial requirements.

Technology no longer just powers the business: It is the business. Organizations need robust, agile, and secure infrastructures that pivot quickly to meet ongoing market and customer demands. The convergence of AI, security and cloud networking must integrate with legacy environments as global stakeholders want fast, reliable technologies that support the ways they interact with organizations - anywhere at any time from any device.

Part of Extreme Networks solutions portfolio includes Extreme Capital Solutions. With exceptional finance options and consumption models to cover IT investments, organizations are well poised to meet the ebb and flow of business dynamics, create amazing customer experiences, and achieve business outcomes well into the future.

Benefits of Extreme Capital Solutions

  • One finance plan for 100% of Technology Expenses – Every related expense is covered. Fund cloud, subscriptions, hardware, software licenses, network infrastructure, consultation costs, project management, installation services, maintenance and support services, and more.
  • Equipment Financing Offers Strategic Advantages – Don’t simply weather the ebb and flow of business cycles, invest in revenuegenerating IT infrastructure to improve efficiencies and gain a competitive advantage. The value of new equipment comes from use, not ownership. In an uncertain economy, many organization lease IT equipment as part of their key strategy for growth.
  • Preserve Capital While Enabling Growth – Retain cash reserves to use for revenue producing projects and present a better balance sheet. For example, companies can lease IT equipment now and postpone purchase decisions at the end of the lease. Leasing is a debt rather than an expense.
  • Spread Costs Over Years – Extend the total expense into monthly payments; at the end of the term, replace the technology, retain it, or return it.
  • Gain Strategic, Competitive Advantage – Build agility and flexibility into your infrastructure to keep pace with changing business needs and equipment upgrades