Why Innovation Fails


Innovation is the relentless pursuit of new ways to achieve better outcomes, encapsulating the essence of progress and adaptation in an ever-changing world. It's about staying relevant for tomorrow by embracing uncertainty and proactively seeking opportunities for growth and improvement.

What is innovation? New ways, better outcomes. That's innovation, staying relevant for tomorrow.
Joachim De Vos
Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Living Tomorrow

Innovation Starts with a Strong Network Infrastructure

One fundamental truth reigns supreme: connectivity is the linchpin of innovation. As we forge ahead in developing groundbreaking technologies, the infrastructure upon which these innovations rely must be robust and adaptable. After all, new technologies are nothing without a network capable of supporting and connecting them seamlessly.

This sentiment is echoed in the wisdom of Gilder's law, which emphasizes the critical role of bandwidth in driving progress. Contrary to fears of bottlenecks and limitations, Gilder's law posits that bandwidth evolves at a pace that outstrips expectations, continually expanding to accommodate the burgeoning demands of the digital age. Hear more from Joachim De Vos on Gilder's Law:


Infinite connectivity has become a pressing need. The pace of technological advancement shows no signs of slowing down. Each week brings forth new innovations, each with the potential to profoundly reshape our daily lives. However, realizing the full potential of these advancements hinges upon our ability to interconnect them seamlessly.


The importance of connectivity within the realm of innovation cannot be overstated. The thread weaves together disparate technologies, enabling them to function as a cohesive ecosystem. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, it is essential to recognize that the true power of innovation lies not only in the creation of new technologies but also in our ability to connect, integrate, and leverage them to shape a brighter future.

Embracing AI and Innovation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents the fusion of human-like intelligence with machine processes, ushering in a new era of innovation and transformation across various facets of life. It impacts our daily lives, from optimizing traffic flow in smart cities to developing life-saving vaccines. AI's influence extends to personalized advertising campaigns and curated recommendations on streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify.

As experts envision, AI's capabilities will extend far beyond these applications. With the advent of superintelligence on the horizon, AI will transcend its current boundaries, exhibiting cognitive superiority, autonomous learning, strategic thinking, and general intelligence.


Sometimes Done is Better Than Perfect – AI and Feedback Loops

AI solutions are dynamic, constantly learning and evolving based on feedback and real-world usage. Thus, while perfection may seem admirable, the iterative process of releasing AI solutions, gathering user feedback, and adapting accordingly often yields better results. By embracing this, organizations can expedite the deployment of AI solutions, enabling users to engage with them sooner and providing invaluable insights for refinement and improvement.

Navigating Fear of Change and Fear of Innovation

The journey of innovation is not without its challenges, a common one being the fear of change and the fear of innovation itself. These fears manifest in various forms, from concerns about customer acceptance to apprehensions regarding the impact on intermediary channels and individual job security. Organizations need to confront these fears head-on, recognizing that embracing innovation is necessary for survival and a catalyst for growth and adaptation in an increasingly dynamic landscape.

If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change inside, the end is near.
Jack Welch

Innovation is Essential to Staying Relevant

As Joachim said at Extreme Connect, it is imperative not to be the naysayer of your organizations. Instead, cultivate a culture that embraces change, fosters innovation, and celebrates the transformative power of AI and other emerging technologies. By doing so, we position ourselves not merely as passive observers of change but as active participants in shaping a future defined by progress, resilience, and ingenuity.

About the Author
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Cammy Perry
Senior Content Marketing Specialist

Cammy is a Content Marketing Specialist at Extreme Networks, leveraging her expertise to craft thought leadership and engaging content.

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