Extreme Connect 2025
May 19-22
Join us in Paris, France.
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Burnley College is a nationally-recognised further education institution in Burnley, Lancashire serving approximately 9,000 students with a staff of more than 600. The college has been consistently ranked as one of the top in the UK for more than a decade due to the strength of its apprenticeship programs and the dedication and commitment of staff to creating first-class learning experiences. In 2022, Burnley College was named the No. 1 College in the country based on achievement rate tables for learners aged 16 to 18.
In partnership with NetProtocol, an Extreme Diamond Partner with expertise in the education sector, and Extreme Networks, Burnley College began a journey to transform its wired and wireless network infrastructure into a dynamic, strategic asset that served as the enabler for key campus initiatives and expansion.
Enhanced Network Performance
Powering State-of-the-Art Facilities
Future Expansion Strategies