Eden Prairie Schools Strike the Balance Between Security and Innovation with Cloud

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Eden Prairie Schools is among the top public school districts in Minnesota, recognized for its excellence in both academics and athletics. The district contains ten schools and serves nearly 10,000 students grades PK-12.

With an increasing number of devices joining the district’s network and greater student accessibility to the internet, Eden Prairie needed to find a balance between maintaining a secure digital environment and enabling innovation and open learning. The school district needed a solution that would fortify network security while empowering a stretched IT team to manage efficiently.



  • Fortify network security without restricting innovation or digital learning experiences
  • Secure connectivity and setting permissions for personal devices
  • Insufficient time and resources for IT team to manage network efficiently
  • Reliable bandwidth to support increasing and evolving technologies
"ExtremeCloud IQ has been extremely useful especially around test time; I can look holistically at the entire high school and get a good overview of firmware, software, and access points. I can look at things quickly and having the immediate information at your fingertips is essential to good troubleshooting."
Benjamin Lesher
Technology Systems Coordinator, Eden Prairies Schools

Extreme Solutions

  • ExtremeCloud™ IQ
  • ExtremeWireless™
  • ExtremeSwitching™



Enhanced Digital Learning

  • Facilitate unrestricted digital learning environment with proactive solutions that can quickly address threats, allowing students to learn from mistakes made
  • Reliable, seamless connectivity for critical events like standardized testing

Improved Security

  • Enhanced security for connected school and guest devices eliminates threats to learning experience and interruptions
  • Eden Prairie will migrate to a Fabric-based network, increasing network resiliency with an additional layer of security while increasing operational efficiency

Simplified IT Operations

  • Cloud-empowered IT team has more time and resources to dedicate to new projects or initiatives through efficient management of network and troubleshooting
  • ExtremeCloud IQ makes it simple for the team to proactively identify problems on the network and remediate issues before they broadly impact end users