Extreme Connect 2025
May 19-22
Join us in Paris, France.
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Extreme Networks’ Fabric Connect technology is redefining networking to match the speed of today’s digital era. Long wait times required for network additions or changes and the rigid design constraints of legacy networks have made it challenging for network IT teams to move at the speed of the business. Fabric Connect eliminates these delays and enables our customers to deploy networks that are far more agile; enabling rapid application deployment and seamless services provisioning - while also improving the reliability, stability and security of the network.
The power of our Fabric Connect technology can be natively extended beyond the traditional Data Center or Campus to any remote or branch locations connected by a WAN service. By extending Fabric Connect natively to the branch, a single technology and operational model can be leveraged end to end, decreasing training requirements and simplifying operations. The purpose of this document is to articulate the top ten values of extending Fabric Connect into your remote or branch offices.
Fabric Extend enables the extension of native Fabric
Connect services to your remote branch locations over
public or private WAN services. Fabric Extend utilizes
VXLAN tunnels to extend Fabric Connect over a private
IP based WAN service or can leverage IPSec encrypted
tunnels to traverse public networks, like the Internet, for
primary or backup WAN services. In this deployment
scenario, the Fabric Connect technology is deployed as an
overlay technology. This ability to work as an underlay as
well as an overlay, leveraging Fabric Extend, is one of the
unique characteristics of this technology. As an overlay,
because the fabric services are agnostic to the service
provider connectivity service, that service can be swapped
very easily if it becomes too expensive or the SLA is not
what was promised.
In addition to interconnecting distributed sites back to the
main campus and data center, Fabric Extend can also be
leveraged for Data Center interconnect or for connecting
fabric islands over an IP infrastructure.
These are the reasons to seamlessly
extend Fabric Connect to your distributed branch
office locations:
1. Rapid time to service for new services/network changes
across the distributed network
2. Single pane of glass management
3. Zero-touch on-boarding of branch infrastructure
4. Simple multi-tenancy and micro-segmentation across
the distributed network
5. Simplification by reducing distributed firewalls
6. Dynamic auto-attach to simplify and secure branch
office provisioning
7. Resilient branch office connectivity
8. Public and private WAN infrastructure
connectivity options
9. Integrated Application Hosting to reduce
disparate devices
10. Simple multicast extension