Securing the Everywhere Perimeter

IoT, BYOD, and Cloud have fragmented the traditional network perimeter. This revolution necessitates a new approach that is comprehensive, pervasive, and automated.

Businesses need an effective strategy to differentiate critical applications and confidential data, partition user and devices, establish policy boundaries, and reduce their exposure.

Leveraging Extreme Networks technology, organizations can hide much of their network and protect those elements that remain visible. Borders are established that defend against unauthorized lateral movement, the attack profile is reduced, and highly effective breach isolation is delivered. This improves the effectiveness of anomaly scanning and the value of specialist security appliances. Redundant network configuration is rolled back, leaving an edge that is “clean” and protected from hacking. Businesses avoid many of the conventional hooks and tools that hackers seek to exploit. Additionally, flipping the convention of access-by-default, effective access control policy enforcement denies unauthorized connectivity.

The Business Imperative

As businesses undertake the digital transformation, the trends of cloud, mobility, and IoT converge. Organizations need to take a holistic approach to protecting critical systems and data, and important areas for attention are the ability to isolate traffic belonging to different applications, to reduce the network’s exposure and attack profile, and to dynamically control connectivity to network assets.

In addition to all of the normal challenges and demands, businesses are also starting to experience IoT. This networking phenomenon sees unconventional embedded system devices appearing, seemingly from nowhere, requiring connectivity.

IoT is being positioned as the enabling technology for all manner of “Smart” initiatives.

The pervasive consumerization of technology is also driving IoT into businesses. What’s crucial for success is the agility, scalability, and robustness of the underlying information technology infrastructure.


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